Productization is the future. Because it's scalable.
I don’t like traditional landing pages anymore.
I’ll try something new -
This is what I know of you so far, from just the past 5 seconds ↓
You are a creative entrepreneur who wants to make a living doing what you love. All while having the freedom of choice and time.
But there are 3 main problems you need to overcome before you get to that dream outcome.
1 - Skill of business
Business is much more than just conversions and landing pages.
It's also about:
building an authoritative brand
productizing yourself to distribute value
writing impactful copy to capture and hold people's attention
understanding human psychology to frame compelling stories
creating irresistible offers
generating high-signal ideas to create content
leveraging user-centric design and creativity
Anyone can run a business. But only a few can run a profitable one.
What’s the key to success in business? Two things.
One is the art of continuous iteration. The second is to learn every day.
But learning isn’t everything. This comes back to Strategy vs Execution.
Learning is like strategy. Without execution, a good strategy is useless. Without a good strategy, execution is a waste of time. Start now. Iterate later.
2 - Design
Design helps you capture and hold attention + helps your brand to stand out.
We all think design is easy. In reality, it isn’t. The reason you think it’s easy is because of sites like Dribbble and Behance. Most designs you find there are useless in the real world.
Design is psychology. Your designs should be able to influence people’s behavior to take action (Eg. purchase or sign up for something).
Interesting isn’t it? But how do you do that?
I cover it in the course. (Full disclaimer, this isn’t a course on design. But I do cover the depths of visual design so that you know how to use it to capture and hold attention.)
3 - Philosophy of the Mind - Mental Clarity
Achieving mental clarity is not an option. It's a must and a need if you want to succeed.
Here's the thing, we might think that everything we remember is in our heads.
But nowadays, we are bombarded with lots of information, distractions, and whatnot. Most of the thoughts in our heads are jumbled up. This causes a build-up of stress.
To fix this, you need a system to turn the thoughts in your head into impactful content.
The system you need is found in this very course.
I’ll recap everything for you. You need to master these 6 things:
1. Productization
2. Authentic Branding
3. Writing
4. Execution
5. Visual Design
6. Mental Clarity
To truly master them, you need a comprehensive solution, and that's where our course comes in - One Person Business System
Everything you need to launch and scale a profitable and unique one-person business - in just 6 weeks.
Building a One Person Business isn't easy.
I've been there. I started my journey approximately 3 months ago.
How many skills do you think you need to get a normal job?
Just 1. But you have to be highly skilled in that one skill.
An online business is different. Especially a One Person Business. For most people, 2-3 skills are enough to tire themselves out. But, 3 skills aren't enough.
My current skillset consists of 16 skills. Yes, 16. It's not easy. Never was and never will be.
Don't believe me? Here they are ↓
1. Copywriting
2. Web Design
3. UI/UX Design
4. Visual Design
5. Storytelling
6. Content Creation
7. Video Editing
8. UX Writing
9. Sales
10. Marketing
11. Advertisements
12. Human Psychology
13. Branding
14. Email Marketing
15. Offer Creation
16. Business Strategy
Now, you don't need to master 16 skills like I did. Just about 5-10 is good.
Here are the main ones:
1. Graphic design
2. Sales
3. Marketing
4. Video Editing
5. Copywriting
6. Freelancing
It doesn't have to be overwhelming.
And that's why I brought you this course.
This course will guide you through all the main skills that you need to succeed as a One-Person Business.
We make sure our products help you
Ever heard of the 3Fs?
— Freedom of Choice (Autonomy)
— Freedom of Time
— Fulfillment
These 3 are timeless principles that shape our actions and desires.
Rules change but principles don’t. They stand the test of time.
Most people will not be able to fulfill these 3 human desires in their lifetime. But you are different.
This landing page acts as a filter. If you made it this far, you must be interested in doing great work, and thus you are already ahead of 99% of people. The fact that you're here shows your willingness to take action (a quality shared by only a few people).
You are in the middle of the digital reign — the time when creator businesses in the digital economy thrive.
Right now, we are still early. But if you continue to delay action, it will soon be too late. The market will become too saturated.
We would craft you from the ground up to help you achieve success in the digital economy (the creative way).
And as a byproduct, achieve The 3Fs (freedom of choice, freedom of time, and fulfillment).
One Person Business System focuses on 4 key areas:
Phase 1 - Mindset
Mindset comes first. One of the main reasons you are not growing fast enough is because of your lack of clarity.
Our course will help you gain clarity on your goals and how you can achieve them (without sacrificing your mental energy).
Lessons in Phase 1 ↓
✓ Growth Mindset
✓ Focus
✓ Achieving Mental Clarity
✓ Strategic Thinking
Phase 2 - Building A Brand
When you build a brand, you are actually building a community. And what's the best way to nurture and build a strong community? Valuable Content.
There's so much content out there nowadays, making it hard for people to stand out.
But, our content creation system and framework will turn your ideas into impactful AI-proof content with ease.
Lessons in Phase 2 ↓
✓ Branding Yourself
✓ Selling Products
✓ Community Growth
✓ Content Creation Process
✓ Generating Ideas
✓ Building Authority
Phase 3 - Productizing Yourself
Turn your expertise and creative interests into a marketable product. You can also call it 'Product Creation'. But the unique part here is that you are the product.
Productization is infinitely scalable. You can't scale your time but you can scale products.
Productization = Distribution value.
There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there regarding productization. But at the heart of productization, it’s the distribution of value.
Lessons in Phase 3 ↓
✓ Productization
✓ Skills → Product
✓ Network & DM Outreach
✓ Conclusion + Action Steps
Phase 4 - Marketing Your Product
Have you ever experienced a failed launch?
A product that did not meet expectations?
The simple reason to why it failed is Marketing. Marketing is key. It determines whether you make money or won't.
But you don't have to spend 8 hours every day on marketing.
Why? There are ways to systemize and automate them. I'll show you how in this course.
Lessons in Phase 4 ↓
✓ Visual Design Mastery
✓ Leveraging Artificial Intelligence
✓ Market Research
✓ Crafting High-converting Websites
✓ Copywriting & Storytelling
✓ Unique Selling Point - Positioning
✓ Crafting Offers - Pricing, Bonuses, Guarantees, Discounts
✓ Psychology of Sales - Human Psychology & Cognitive Biases
✓ Paid Traffic - Advertisements
✓ Email Marketing - Building Your Newsletter
✓ Traffic and Distribution
✓ Building Systems - Automating Workflow
✓ Product Launch
✓ Action Steps - What's Next
It's not what you think, but here's why it's better ↓
This is when you usually see many creators offering a money-back guarantee as part of their marketing plan.
But for this course, there are strictly no refunds. Here’s why ↓
It’s a digital product. I will not let you swipe away all the information for free and refund it afterward. This is the knowledge that took years of experience to build.
Everything comes at a cost. Whether you pay using your time or money is up to you. If you buy this course, you will reduce the time it takes to get to where you want to go. If you don’t, you will spend years learning them yourself.
Lastly, when you pay to access this course, you have all the information and systems you need to earn at least 100K in your lifetime. That’s 1000x more than what you pay.
The systems I’m sharing with you are working for me and countless others. Right now. Today.
But, we are humans after all. If you genuinely paid for this course by accident, reach out to us via email and we will look into it for you (must be within 3 hours of purchase).